The Team

Canyon's Echoes was founded in August 2005, two months after Canyon was diagnosed with Autism

2007 Members

Heather Conrad
Canyon Conrad
Tristan Conrad
David Crosby
Doris Dixon
Jordan Crosby
Jim "The Dad" Keith
Beverly Keith
Holly Keith
Justin Speis
Lisa Finkelstein, Esq.
Zack Finkelstein
Michael Conrad
Gayle Conrad
David Conrad
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2006 Members

Heather Conrad
Canyon Conrad
Tristan Conrad
Michael Conrad
Jim "The Dad" Keith
Beverly Keith
Holly Keith
Justin Speis
David Conrad
Brenda Conrad
Scott Conrad
Brandellan Alexander
Angie Yoder
Dawn Crews
Terry Douglas
Jason Pratte
Jeanette Meyer
Shirley Jones
Ben Jones
Scott & Michelle Zak
Heidi Glaus
A.J. & Elaine Miller
Linda Hoefl

2005 Members

Heather Conrad
Canyon Conrad
Tristan Conrad
Michael Conrad
Jim "The Dad" Keith
Beverly Keith
Holly Keith
Justin Speis
Tom Tuttle, Jr.
Brenda Conrad
David Conrad
Scott Conrad
Wendy Allen
Nicole Dutton
Elaine Miller
Dawn Crews
Ben Jones
Shirley Jones